e-Procurement platforms are essential tools for structures operating across borders and a correct access to economic actors located on both sides of a boundary should be guaranteed. However, it is not as easy as it looks and this is why the EGTC GOneeded the help of a legal expert!
Mitja Ozbic, a lawer specialised in cross-border issues at the Italian-Slovenian border, provided the EGTC with a sound analyisis of the legal frameworks - at the national and EU levels - to find solutions that would allow the correct and concurrent participation of Italian and Slovenian actors to the EGTC's calls for tenders.
About his experience as a b-solutions' expert he says:
"This initative allowed me to meet a really prepared and qualified staff. My opinion is, that the EGCT, with its expertise, could became the main e-procurement authoritiy in the IT-SI cross-border area and the structure could also support other local authorities in managing cross border public tender procedures. In the past, I already cooperated with the Managing Authority of the Interreg Programme V-A Italy-Slovenia, so I was aware of the issues of this specific border, but thanks to b-solutions, I had the possibility to get to know a different point of view and to focus on the concrete problems of the local authorities that manage cross-border projects"
