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  • Who is eligible to apply?
    Applicants must possess specific and proven knowledge of cross-border issues in one or more of the thematic fields covered by the b-solutions initiative. Additionally, they must have relevant professional experience and consultancy skills.
  • What is the purpose of this call for expressions of interest?
    With this call for expressions of interest we want to create a pool of experts to be contracted to advise cases of legal and administrative obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation in the context of the b-solutions initiative.
  • What are objective 1 and 2 of b-solutions?
    b-solutions’ has many specific objectives. Relevant to this call are objective 1 and 2, namely: - Objective 1: aims to identify and provide advice to cases of cross-border obstacles of a legal and/or administrative nature through an analysis of the obstacle and the suggestion of potential solutions thanks to the advice of an expert who draft a report for the beneficiary; - Objective 2: provides additional support to the beneficiary, as the experts elaborates further one of the solutions suggested under objective 1, with the aim to prepare a document that helps the potential implementation of the solution. Experts might be contracted under objective 1 or under objective 2.
  • What is meant with cross-border cooperation in this context?
    Cross-border cooperation is to be understood as cooperation between actors in regions of different countries which lay directly on the national borders and adjacent to each other.
  • How do I assess if I am eligible?
    To be eligible, experts must have 1) relevant professional experience in the field of legal and administrative matters, and 2) specific and proven knowledge of cross-border issues in one or more of the thematic fields of b-solutions. Experts must also possess the ability to draft and communicate in English or one of the other working languages of the European Commission (French or German).
  • What are the awarding criteria to become an expert for b-solutions?
    To be included in the pool of experts, applicants must demonstrate to fulfil the five awarding criteria of the call. These are: Criterion 1: relevant experience in the field of legal consultation; Criterion 2: relevant experience in the field of cross-border cooperation; Criterion 3: advisory experience in the field of cross-border cooperation and/or regional development with specific regards to analysing obstacles, including multilevel governance processes; Criterion 4: knowledge of a specific territory and of the languages spoken therein; Criterion 5: relevant experience in the field of one or more of the thematic areas listed at point 2.
  • How will my profile be evaluated?
    Experts will be evaluated on the basis of the CV and the information provided via the online application form. The CV is to be submitted in English. Additional documents can be uploaded to the call for additional proof. For every criterion, a score on a scale from 0 to 5 will be assigned, where 0 indicates a completely insufficient relevance of the expert’s previous experiences and 5 an excellent one. To be included in the list of experts, the assessment of the 5 criteria listed above should lead to an overall score of at least 12,5 points, namely 50% of the total 25 cumulative points.
  • What if I am no longer able to conclude the assignment?
    If you find yourself unable to conclude the assignment, please follow these guidelines: - Provide a written explanation: Inform AEBR in writing, explaining why you cannot complete the assignment. - Acceptable reasons, no work done: If you cannot complete the assignment for acceptable reasons and have not started working on it, AEBR will terminate the contract without proceeding to any payment. - Acceptable reasons, work done: If you have already worked on the assignment but cannot complete it for acceptable reasons, you will be compensated for the work done up to that point, provided it is accountable. The amount will be mutually agreed upon following the contract’s framework. - Lack of time: If you cannot complete the assignment due to a lack of time, AEBR may allow additional time.
  • What is the contracting procedure?
    For each submission to the open call of proposals, AEBR matches experts with a selected case based on the expert’s profile and knowledge of the territory, thematic areas and languages. Experts are therefore asked for their interest and availability to work on the matched case and receive the full content of the application submitted by the case representative for information to be able to make a decision. Unless agreed otherwise with the b-solutions team, they have one week to provide feedback on their willingness to work on the case and their earliest availability. Upon positive feedback of the expert, a service contract is concluded between AEBR and the expert, which defines the conditions of the work. Experts will be put in contact with the selected applicant one week before the start of the advice period. If experts do not receive an invitation to work on a specific case, it means there are no cases matching their profiles at that moment. However, they remain in the pool of available experts and can be contacted when a suitable case exists.
  • What happened if I reject an assignment?
    Experts will stay in our pool of available experts and can be contacted again whenever a case that fits their profile is selected.
  • How is VAT calculated if reverse charge applies, and when does reverse charge apply?
    VAT (Value Added Tax) is calculated by applying a specific percentage rate to the net amount of goods or services. In Germany, where AEBR is based, the VAT rate is 19%. If the expert liable for VAT is based outside Germany, the reverse charge mechanism applies. Consequently, AEBR is responsible for paying VAT on the transaction. The expert should thus invoice AEBR only for the net amount and clearly indicate on the invoice that the reverse charge procedure is being applied.
  • What does the invoice need to include?
    The invoice must display: - the number of working days actually performed - the number of actual travel days - the expert’s details necessary to make the payment, namely: the expert’s full name and address, bank account number - date of issue of the invoice, invoice number and VAT identification number and any VAT amount to apply if applicable - if relevant, the reimbursement costs for travel can also be included in the invoice - if relevant, indication that reverse charge applies. AEBR puts at disposal of the experts an invoice template if needed.
  • How does the reimbursement of accommodation costs work?
    Accommodation costs will be reimbursed as a lump sum based on the number of nights spent for travel as indicated in the invoice. Experts do not need to provide any receipts to receive this reimbursement.
  • What are the tasks of the expert(s) under objective 1?
    1-Attend a kick-off meeting with the case representative to discuss in detail the organisation of the work, including the field visit; 2-Communicate directly with the case representative and relevant stakeholders to conduct research and interviews, including during the field visit; 3-Carry out a field visit to the premises of the selected applicant, which must take place within three months from the beginning of the contract. 4-Prepare a final report, written in English and following the b-solutions report template, which describes the legal and administrative obstacle(s) and provides options for resolving the identified obstacle(s) in a clear and systematic way and with reference to the legal provisions that are causing the obstacle(s); 5-Before the end of the advice period, share the draft report with the case representative to collect and integrate their feedback; 6-By the end of the advice period, submit the final report for approval to AEBR at 7- If necessary, immediately clarify questions and revise the report to eliminate ambiguities or implement suggestions by AEBR and share the final report with AEBR, even if this is to be done after the advice period envisaged for the implementation.
  • How many days are the experts contracted for under objective 1?
    Experts have three months to complete all tasks under the service contract (advice period). They are expected to work for a maximum number of 8.5 working days during the advice period. The start date of the advice period will be agreed between AEBR and the expert based on the case representative’s and the expert’s availabilities.
  • How does the reimbursement of travel costs work?
    Travel cost are reimbursed based on actual costs incurred for travelling, and they include either rail travel (second and first class, at discretion of the expert), economy class air travel or private car. AEBR will reimburse the costs of the tickets, which must be submitted to AEBR for proof. For travel by private car, the journey will be reimbursed at the rate of € 0.30 per km, plus motorway tools. The reimbursement does not include car insurance, for which the expert alone is liable.
  • What does daily allowance include?
    Daily allowance covers meals, local transports (bus, tram, metro, taxi) and other costs which one may incur into when travelling (parking, travel and accident insurance).
  • How is the field visit to be organised?
    Experts must coordinate with the case representative to schedule their field visits. The field visit takes place during the three-month advice period. The expert is expected to travel for a maximum of 7 days. The expert is responsible to book their own travel arrangement, the costs will be reimbursed by AEBR once the report is approved. For the reimbursement of travel costs, the expert must keep the original tickets and relative invoice to file the reimbursement of travel costs.
  • What do I do if I don’t travel for the full number of days?
    Although travelling is reckoned as an important part of the work in order to meet relevant stakeholders, the actual amount of days can be decided by the expert, depending on the specific needs of the case. Experts will receive remuneration for travelling, in particular accommodation and daily allowance, based on the number of days they have actually travelled for. Experts will indicate in the invoice the actual number of days they have travelled for and be reimbursed accordingly.
  • How do I receive the remuneration and the reimbursement of costs?
    Once the report is approved, experts must send an invoice to AEBR to request the remuneration and the reimbursement of the travel costs incurred.
  • And if I am not liable for VAT?
    If experts are not liable for VAT, AEBR will pay them the gross amount of their remuneration. Reverse charge does not apply and experts will be responsible for managing their own taxes and social security contributions according to the regulations in their home countries.
  • How do I best coordinate with the representative of the case assigned?
    To effectively coordinate with the case representative, make sure to: - Keep them informed about the progress at various stages throughout the advice period, including during field visits. - Maintain regular communication after the kick-off meeting, through email or phone check-ins. - Towards the end of the project, collect their final feedback on the draft report to make any necessary improvements.
  • What is the experts’ remuneration under objective 1?
    Experts contracted under objective 1 are remunerated with a maximum amount of € 10,000.00. The amount of € 10,000.00 includes: a) Advice’s fee of € 800.00 + VAT per working day, for a maximum of 8.5 days; b) Travel cost based on actual costs; c) Accommodation allowance of €109, 24 + VAT per night, for a maximum of 5 nights; and d) Daily allowance (per diem) of € 75, 63 + VAT per day, for a maximum of 7 days in case of two distinct visits, 6 days in case of a single visit.
  • Do I need to prepare anything for the b-solutions compendium?
    No, AEBR handles all b-solutions publications, including the preparation of the compendium, with the help of copywriters based on experts' reports. If there is the need for clarifications for a specific report, experts may be contacted to ensure the summaries in the compendium accurately reflect their opinions.
  • What is the executive summary expected to include?
    The executive summary must contain the description of both the obstacle(s) and the solution(s), referring to the relevant legal or administrative provisions that causes the obstacle. In short, the executive summary includes the main finding of the report in about 1 page.
  • What are examples of other relevant aspects of the case?
    Other relevant aspects of the case can be references to similar obstacles/solutions in other border regions or any helpful general information on the case.
  • What is the description of the obstacle expected to include?
    The main objective of this part of the report is for the expert to help the beneficiary understand the root of the obstacle. To do so, it’s helpful if the expert includes these aspects in the description of the obstacle: - The context of the obstacle - The reason(s) for the obstacle (E.g. legal, administrative rule or practice, lack of knowledge/complexity, lack of cooperation) and its source (E.g. national/regional law (= legislative), ministerial decree/ordinance (= executive), interministerial guidance/informal decision, interpretation of the law by authorities, legal loophole) - The governance level(s) where the obstacle(s) occur (E.g international, EU, national, regional/local) The expert is expected to explain why the legal or administrative issue creates an obstacle, giving precise reasons to explain why the obstacle hinders cross-border cooperation. We have developed a roadmap that can help the drafting of the report. This can be accessed here.
  • How should the legal references be quoted in the list of relevant legal provisions?
    Experts must cite the laws/executive acts as cited in the national/EU law gazettes. The citation must include the following: - Name of the law/executive act; - If applicable, the reference number; - Publication document (e.g. official legal gazette); - Date of publication, - If applicable, date of entry into force. For examples, see the b-solutions: Solving Border Obstacles. A Compendium 2023-2024-2021, p 210 – 218. Here is an example for an EU regulation “Regulation (EU) 2019/1238 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on a pan-European personal pension product (PEPP), OJ L 198, 25.07.2019, p. 1”. Here is an example for a national law: “Federal Act of 30 November 1973 on the implementation of intergovernmental agreements on the surveying and marking of the state border and on the regulation of certain matters of the state border (State Border Act), Federal Law Gazette, No 9/1974”.
  • What requirements must the experts fulfil in relation to the report?
    Experts must prepare the report following the template shared with them by the b-solutions team as part of their service contract. The report template can also be downloaded here. The final report must be written in English, unless explicitly agreed otherwise with AEBR in advance, and must be sent via email to AEBR as well as the case representatives by the end of the advice period. The suggested extent of the report is about 15-25 pages (around 8 000 - 12 000 words). The report must include the following parts: i) An executive summary; ii) A description of the obstacle with indication of the legal/administrative provisions causing the obstacle, including an explanation of the obstacle’s origin, nature and impact and an illustration of a situation in which the obstacle arises; iii) A roadmap towards possible short, medium and long-term solutions; iv) An indication of the entities to be involved in the possible solution, and v) A full list of all law and executive acts relevant to the case with the correct citation both in the original language and in English; vi) If applicable, other relevant aspects of the case; vii) If applicable, references and appendices.
  • What is the roadmap towards possible solutions expected to include?
    The roadmap towards possible solutions must indicate potential solutions to overcome the obstacle. The main objective of this part of the report is for the expert to help the beneficiary understand which solutions would be the most helpful given the specific context. To achieve this, it's useful if the expert includes the following aspects in the roadmap description: - The nature of the solution(s): legal (E.g. revisions, exceptions, new legal acts) administrative (E.g. revisions, exceptions, new administrative procedures, or cross-border instances), other strategy (E.g. Awareness raising actions, training action) - Solution(s) which are feasible in the short-term, medium-term, long-term - The governance level(s) where the solution(s) can be implemented (E.g international, EU, national, regional/local) The expert is expected to explain how these solutions can be useful and how they can be implemented. We have developed a roadmap that can help the drafting of the report. This can be accessed here.
  • How is the report reviewed and approved?
    After the expert submits the report, AEBR reviews it to ensure it is clear, coherent, and includes actionable cross-border solutions. AEBR’s team does not have the capacity to control the correctness of the information. The review is aimed at ensuring that all formalities have been respected (use of the template, components of the report, correctness of the legal references), that the description of the obstacle is comprehensive, and that the solutions suggested are logical, helpful to the case in the short, medium and long-term and that they envision a solutions that promotes a cross-border approach. Feedback is usually provided within two weeks: - If the report meets all requirements: AEBR approves it and asks for the expert's invoice. - If the report needs improvements: AEBR requests clarifications and edits before giving approval. Once the final version, with all edits, is approved, AEBR notifies the expert and asks for the invoice. Experts are suggested to allocate some working time of the total allocated time (8.5 days) to incorporate feedback from case representatives and AEBR.
  • To whom do I send the report?
    Before the end of the advice period, experts will send the draft report to the case representatives to collect and incorporate their feedback. After the review by the case representatives, experts must send the report to AEBR for approval, at
  • What are common mistakes to be avoided in the report?
    Common mistakes are: - Complex language: Avoid using too much technical jargon or overly complex language. Aim for simplicity and clarity, always explaining acronyms, so that readers can easily understand the content of the report. - Disorganised content: Failing to structure the report logically can make it hard to follow. Use the report template so that the information is broken down into manageable sections that helps to follow your reasoning from the obstacle description to the solution identification. - Limited analysis: Providing only a surface-level analysis without delving deeper into core aspects can reduce the report's value. Ensure thorough analysis and critical thinking by being as specific as possible when describing the obstacle and its legal or administrative causes. - Vague solutions: Giving vague or non-actionable solutions in the cross-border context can reduce the report’s practical value. Ensure that your solutions are specific and actionable with a cross-border dimension. Clearly explain how they can be implemented, including which authorities to involve across the border and the procedures to follow. If you prefer one solution over others, provide a justification for your choice. - Lack of legal referencing: Not properly citing legal and executive acts can undermine the report’s reliability and transparency. Always provide a comprehensive list of legal references. - Lack of Review: Skipping the review or feedback process can result in missed errors or overlooked improvements. Have the case representative review your report before sending it to AEBR which will conduct a final feedback round. - Spelling and grammar mistakes: Errors in spelling and grammar can distract from the content and reduce professionalism. Proofread thoroughly to eliminate mistakes.
  • What are the tasks of the expert(s) under objective 2?
    There is a slight difference between the kind of approach required of experts under Objective 2 in comparison with Objective 1. Under Objective 2, the actions taken by the case representatives, AEBR, and the expert amount to a process defined by engagement, brokerage, facilitation, negotiation, and improvement of understanding and communication among stakeholders to reach a solution. This also includes building and fostering relationships with and between stakeholders, and strategically building support for the conditions in which a solution can be sustained into the future. Overall, the experts will therefore be required to work in a context which involves all of these factors, and to work in a way that is highly collegiate and collaborative with the case representative and with AEBR via the AEBR b-solutions Expert Advisor. AEBR will work closely with the case representatives throughout the process and the AEBR b-solutions Expert Advisor will be available to respond to any queries and to link with the expert for updates as useful to the process. To achieve objective 2, experts contracted must perform the following tasks: - Draft an implementation plan providing input and proposing legal modifications, proposals of bilateral agreements, etc. on the particular case; - Undertake deliverables as specified in their contract and as identified by AEBR in consultation with the case representatives; - Where appropriate, participate actively in a workshop organised by the case representatives, at a point in the process where engagement with stakeholders in a formal setting is deemed most effective to embedding the solution. The point in the process at which the workshop takes place varies from case to case and is subject to determination by the case representatives in consultation with AEBR. It is generally the case that experts are required to prepare documentation and support the design of the workshop, working in close conjunction with the case representatives.
  • How are experts contracted under objective 2?
    AEBR invites experts to work on a case of a case representative or continue working on the case they analysed under objective 1 depending on their profiles, competences, knowledge of the area and languages. In certain cases AEBR may appoint more than one expert depending on the specific requirements of a case. This will be determined on a case by case basis and taking into account case-specific considerations which may include those such as skills base, knowledge, geography, technical of professional competency, and language. Under objective 2, specific expert support may be resourced adopting different criteria if specific technical skills are required to enable the draft of solutions that better respond to the needs of the stakeholders.
  • What is the experts’ remuneration under objective 2?
    Experts contracted under objective 2 shall be remunerated with a maximum pre-tax amount of € 9,636.00. The amount of € 9,636.00 includes: a) Advice’s fee of € 800.00 + VAT per working day, for a maximum of 9 days. The number of days of engagement will be discussed by AEBR and the expert in advance and regulated in the contract; b) Travel cost based on actual costs; c) Accommodation allowance of € 109.24 per night + VAT, for a maximum of 2 nights to cover accommodation; and d) Daily allowance (per diem) of € 75.63 per day + VAT , for a maximum of 3 days. When the expert is contracted as a legal person, AEBR and the expert contracted as legal person will assess the need for more natural persons to be involved on a case-by-case basis, and activate reimbursement for each natural personal participating as expert. A single final payment after submission and approval of the implementation plan by AEBR will be made.
  • How many days are the experts contracted under objective 2?
    Experts are contracted for a maximum of 9 working days within an advice period that will be agreed between the case representative, the expert and AEBR. The start of the advice period is agreed between the experts and the case representatives but should start as soon as possible after the experts accepted the assignment to work on the specific objective 2 case.
  • Can a cross-border entity which does not have a legal personality apply to the call for proposals?
    Yes, by applying on behalf of at least one of the municipalities or regions composing the cross-border structure.
  • Who is eligible to apply?
    Eligible to apply for the call for proposals are: 1) Public bodies at the national, regional or local level with a national boundary limiting their territory; 2) Cross-border entities such as European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs), Euroregions, Eurodistricts, Eurocities and similar cross-border structures with legal personality, established under public or private law; 3) “Bodies governed by public law” according to Art. 2(1) no. 4 Directive 2014/24/EU, if fulfilling following criteria: a) they are established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character; b) they have legal personality; and c) they are financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law; or are subject to management supervision by those authorities or bodies; or have an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law; and 4) "Public equivalent bodies", namely entities under private law which meet the conditions specified in 3) a)-c). In addition, public bodies and cross-border structures must: -be located in an EU Member State (or neighbouring EFTA country or IPA country); -share at least one EU internal land or maritime border with another EU Member State/EFTA country/IPA country; -have the mandate(legal competence) to intervene in certain areas and territories.
  • Which countries are considered as EFTA countries and eligible to apply?
    The EFTA Member States are Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland
  • Which countries are considered as IPA countries and eligible to apply?
    IPA countries are countries under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) Cross - Border Co-operation. They are: Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  • What are the general eligibility criteria to submit an application to b-solutions?
    The general eligibility criteria are: - Submit the application form electronically via the dedicated webpage before the deadline indicated in the call for proposals; - Ensure the application form is completely filled in, preferably in English. Applications can otherwise be filled in in all 24 official EU languages, Icelandic and Norwegian (Bokmål). If applications are received in a language other than English, these will be translated using the eTranslation Tool, an online machine translation service provided by the European Commission; - Ensure the applicant matches the profile detailed in section 3 of the present call for proposals.
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Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)

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